Ryan was late.
"Come in!" Dr. Book's face was friendly. The clock's face was not.
Today's visit promised a prognosis and a prescription.
"Please sit." Doc removed his glasses. They shook hands. "You are depressed. No denying it." Book's glasses settled back. "Your issue is old as the world. As the world progresses, this plague progresses." He mimed an explosion. "Like wildfire." His eyeglasses twinkled. 1/x
"This isn't your fault. You've managed so far. Now you're struggling. And there's no cure." Ryan slumped.
"There's a #novel treatment. But it requires effort."
He had Ryan's interest again. "As the kids say, 'touch grass'. Get out there and meet people. You can be their SSRI and vice versa." Book leaned back. "Everyone is kept apart. Work. Suburbs. Cars. People come home to hide behind their televisions. Their computers. Yelling at each other. Nobody's talking to each other." 2/x
"That's it?"
"That's it."
Ryan dug into his pocket.
"No copay today."
Ryan stared at Book like he had two heads.
Walking out he passed a skinny ginger gal walking in.
He nodded at her. "Hi."
"Hey there." Her smile made him smile, and he made her day. 3/3
@tobadzistsini IDK, it just cheered me up, that's all!
@asakiyume I fussed over that all day today.
@tobadzistsini I like the result!